Iconic arch used as Iditarod finish line collapses in Alaska

Views: | Time:2024-06-04 00:45:57

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The famed burled arch finish line for the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race has collapsed into a wood pile in Alaska, officials said.

Nome Mayor John Handeland told Anchorage television station KTUU that wood rot was the likely cause. He found out about the collapse Saturday night, and salvaged pieces of the wood for safekeeping.

The iconic arch that is moved onto Nome’s Front Street every March for the Iditarod finish had been located at a city park in the middle of town when it collapsed. Mushers start the race in Willow and complete the 1,000-mile (1,609-kilometer) race across Alaska by guiding their dog teams under the arch.

Messages seeking information about replacing the arch sent to both Handeland, who was traveling Monday, and Iditarod race officials were not immediately returned to The Associated Press.

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